Passed event: The Regulatory Impact of AI on Financial Services, 3.4.2024

Members and non-members event

date & time

03/04/2024 6 pm EEST

CFA Institute is organizing a topical and insightful webinar focusing on the regulatory impact of AI on financial services. In this webinar speakers will delve into the AI Act, exploring its objectives and examine the interplay of AI with existing regulations like GDPR and financial services regulations. Discussion will cover the challenges and opportunities AI presents in risk management, compliance, and ethical considerations, including data privacy and bias. Case studies and best practices from leading financial institutions will be also covered. This session is especially important for financial professionals, compliance officers, and policymakers eager to understand the evolving AI regulatory landscape and its implications for the financial industry.​

This webinar is worth 1 PL credit, inclusive of 1 credit in the area of Standards, Ethics, and Regulations (SER).


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