Passed event: CFA Society Finland 20th Anniversary event, 9.6.2022

Members event

date & time & location

09/06/2022, 5:30-11:00 pm EEST, Ritarihuone

CFA Society Finland members, please save the date for an amazing day to celebrate the 20-year journey of CFA Society Finland. We have a great evening planned with highly interesting international speakers followed by a gala dinner.

CFA Society Finland has had an amazing journey starting from 2002 as a small professional group to a community of almost 180 members today. Join to celebrate our CFA Society for an evening of speeches, dinner, music and networking.

We are happy to welcome Jaap van Dam, Principal Director, Investment Strategy, PGGM, as the keynote speaker. We will also be greeted by CFA Institute.

During the evening we will look back at the history of the society, its people, and the different phases of the Society. Join your peer Society members and current and past Society leaders for a fun, nostalgic evening!

We will also award CFA Charters to new Charterholders at this event.

The invitation is Avec; we are happy to welcome you and a guest to the event. Please let us know in the registration form whether you will be joining with a guest. Dress code: Dark suit

Our board member Harri Kojonen will be hosting pre-event drinks at Restaurant Salutorget, Pohjoisesplanadi 15, at 16:30-17:15.


Jaap is Principal Director of Investment Strategy at PGGM. He is chairman of the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO), of the Advisory Board of the Erasmus Platform for Sustainable Value Creation. He is co-chair of the ICPM research committee.  He holds a Master’s Degree in Finance from Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Jaap has performed many roles within the field, ranging from fundamental and quantitative analysis to external manager selection and portfolio construction. He joined PGGM in 2005 as Head of Internal Equity Management. In 2006 he was appointed Chief Strategist. Jaap is a member of the NEST (UK) Investment Committee.

Together with prof. Kees Koedijk and prof Alfred Slager he authored the book Achieving Investment Excellence, a practical guide for Trustees of Pension Funds, Endowments and foundations (2019).


If you have not gotten the invitation to your e-mail, please let us know at


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