Passed event: CFA Society New York: 21st Century Investing: Foundations of Systems-Level Investing, 5.10.2021

Members event

date & time

05/10/2021 7:30-8:30 pm EEST

Attendance fee: USD 10


CFA Society New York invites you to the first event in a four-part series on 21st Century investing for sustainable and systems-level investing, hosted in collaboration with CFA Societies in the Northeast corridor and with help from CFA Institute and  The Investment Integration Project  (TIIP). Subsequent events in this series will be hosted by CFA Societies in Boston and Philadelphia; all events will be open for all members of all CFA societies.  

Learn how institutional investors and financial wealth advisors can go beyond conventional and sustainable investing to address complex problems such as income inequality and climate change on a deep, systemic level. Steven Lydenberg, TIIP founder and Bill Burkart, TIIP President, who co-authored  21st  Century Investing – Redirecting Financial Strategies to Drive Systems Change  earlier this year, will be joining us to present throughout this series, which will also feature investment practitioners discussing system-level thinking in practice.  

This event will center the recognition that investments have evolved past a basic, conventional approach to embrace larger goals, such as intentionally achieving social or environmental benefits along with financial returns, and explore the opportunities and challenges present when building an investment strategy that integrates these sustainability factors. 


Passed event: CFA Society New York: Financing and Counterparty Management: The Changing Landscape for Hedge Funds, 6.10.2021


Passed event: CFA Society New York: 6th Annual Global Macro Outlook, 30.9.2021