Passed event: CFA Institute Webinar: The Economics of Solidarity: Perspectives from the Moral Economy of Islam 19.8.2020

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19/08/2020 2 pm EET

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Neoclassical economic models describe humans as greedy, self-centered homo economicus — always working to maximize personal gain. Behavioral finance has recently exposed the flaws in this approach, but a much older school of thought offers a different way to view humans and their role in economic systems. For centuries, the moral economy of Islam has stressed the importance of communities and cooperation in trade and economic development. This webinar with Professor Adeel Malik, Globe Fellow in Economies of Muslim Societies at Oxford University, will explain how the moral economy of Islam can contribute towards an alternative economic imagination that avoids the excesses of capitalism and socialism, and offers lessons for building a more sustainable global economy.


Adeel Malik is Globe Fellow in the Economies of Muslim Societies at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, an associate professor in development economics at the University of Oxford’s Department of International Development, and a senior research fellow at the Lebanese Centre for Policy Studies. He is an empirical economist with a multi-disciplinary orientation and is trying to develop a broader research lens to study Middle Eastern political economy. Professor Malik’s research articles have appeared in the Journal of Development Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, World Development, the Review of International Political Economy, and Modern Asian Studies. His most recent contribution to the field is a co-edited volume titled Crony Capitalism in the Middle East: Business and Politics from Liberalization to the Arab Spring. Professor Malik’s research has been featured on CNN and in the Financial Times, the New York Times, Project Syndicate, and Foreign Affairs. He received his doctorate in economics from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar.


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