August networking event: Sea, sails and fresh air

CFA Society Finland was happy to be able to meet in-person with members and candidates for our end of summer networking event 4th August. The evening was spent sailing in the beautiful scenery of Helsinki archipelago. We sailed on m/aux Svanhild, a historical boat built in 1948 that used to transport wood and sand in the Baltic area.


The sun and wind were favorable to us as we boarded the ship in Helsinki’s Halkolaituri. Our board president Antti Raappana welcomed everyone to the event after a long break of physical events. We were happy to be able to organize this evening safely since the whole evening was spent outside on the deck of the sail boat. We were welcomed also by the boat’s captain who presented the boat and its history, as well as offered some safety tips for the evening.

The attendees were able to participate in the art of real sailing by raising the sails and seeing first-hand how these old fashioned boats are operated. The friendly captain and crew guided us through the harbor area after which we were able to turn off the engines and continue with the wind.


Our board member Harri Kojonen had prepared a friendly quiz for the participants. Divided to six teams, everyone had ten questions to ponder on. After a tight competition the winnign team was chosen, and awarded with medals and applauds.

The quiz winners: Jenny, Matti, Kalle and Evgeny.

The quiz winners: Jenny, Matti, Kalle and Evgeny.

As many of our guests commented, the evening went by really fast. Everyone had a chance to catch up and gear up for the coming “back to work” -season. We hope to keep up the tradition of these early August networking gatherings and hopefully meet our members and candidates in the same relaxed atmosphere soon!


Watch a replay of Collaborative WIM Book Club with Vikram Mansharamani


Remember to check out CFA Society New York platform