Our annual Ethics Workshop was held 8th October


For CFA Society Finland it is important to bring awareness and promote the essential value of ethics in the Finnish finance industry. Hence following this mission, ethics workshop is a key component in our yearly event calendar.

Since the Ethics workshop event from last spring was cancelled due to the incoming pandemic, we were happy to be able to schedule a new workshop for this fall. The event was organized in hybrid mode to give everyone the option to either attend a physical event at Hotel Haven in Helsinki or participate via zoom.

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Our workshop leader Sonia Gandhi, CFA, participated online from London. Sonia is truly an expert in the art of applying ethics to professional life and we were happy to have her guide us through varied situations to contemplate what would be the correct and most ethical way to act. This year there were even a couple of topical situations related to the pandemic and the issues it has brought up.

We all face ethical problems throughout our professional life. Many situations are not black and white, and many times there are situational influences such as obedience to authority or following group decisions. Studies show that under the right conditions good people can be induced to act unethically. It is important to realize that by continously practicing and understanding these different situations one can get better at recognizing the grey areas and strive to make the right decisions under difficult circumstances.

We want to thank Sonia for an interesting and thought-provoking workshop and hope to continue our tradition with her in the coming years. We really wish that for our next workshop we are able to have Sonia with us in person again and have a traditional event with the possibility to network with our members and candidates.

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”Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching - even when doing the wrong thing is legal.”

- Aldo Leopold


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