CFA Society Finland hosted the Research Challenge Finland final 27.2.

University teams presenting: Aalto, Turku, UEF and TalTech.


The Finnish final in the Research Challenge was held in Hotel Kämp in the beautiful Paavo Nurmi Cabinets. Contrary to previous years, there were altogether four University teams participating in the final stage of the Finland stretch in this international competition. The Universities that made it to the final were Aalto University, University of Turku, University of Eastern Finland and Tallinn University of Technology.

The Research Challenge started already in November 2019 when there was a kick-off with altogether eight universities, in addition to the above mentioned University of Vaasa, Estonian Business School, Hanken School of Economics and Lappeenranta University of Technology. CFA Society Finland was truly delighted that Universities from all over Finland and Estonia took part.

The first round in the competition includes a written report that is evaluated by local graders. The written report accounts for half of the points in the final. The other half depends on the presentation.

Judges Jutta Rahikainen, Markku Leppälä, Mikko Moilanen and Kari Vatanen.

Judges Jutta Rahikainen, Markku Leppälä, Mikko Moilanen and Kari Vatanen.

Each university team presented their analysis and buy/sell/ hold recommendations on F-Secure Oyj, this year’s target company. Presentations were evaluated by a panel of distinguished judges from the Finnish investment community: Jutta Rahikainen (SEB), Kari Vatanen, CFA (Veritas Pension Insurance), Markku Leppälä, CFA (Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company) and Mikko Moilanen, CFA, (Access Capital Partners Finland Oy).

The university presentation is the culmination of many months of research, interviews with company management, as well as presentation training, under the supervision of their faculty advisor and a dedicated industry mentor. All of the Universities put in great effort and established a high standard among the contestants. It is truly great to see the talent that these young students have.

After a suspenseful competition University of Turku was chosen as the winning team. University of Turku participants are Miika Maukonen, Alexander Shalov, Kiia Rouhelo, Okko Takkinen and Valtteri Toivanen. They will advance to the Regional competition, held in Jordan April 1-2nd where the team will face universities from across EMEA region. At the regional competition two teams will be chosen to compete in the global final taking place in New York April 22nd.

Turku University team: Valtteri Toivanen, Miika Maukonen, Kiia Rouhelo, Okko Takkinen and Alexander Shalov.

Turku University team: Valtteri Toivanen, Miika Maukonen, Kiia Rouhelo, Okko Takkinen and Alexander Shalov.


”This competition over the years has proven to be both challenging and inspirational experience to university students determined to become investment industry professionals - one not to miss. It provides teams an opportunity to test their skills by competing first against the best teams locally, then regionally and finally globally”

Lassi Simola, CFA, a board member, CFA Society Finland

All photos by Pekka Lähteenmäki


Distressed Credit 2020


CFA Society UK’s ESG Certificate now available in Finland!