Team LUT winner in the local Research Challenge competition 2022!

CFA Society Finland was really happy to be able to hold the local Research Challenge final in-person this year. We gathered at Glo Hotel Kluuvi in Helsinki on 17th February with two of the finalist teams attending in-person and one virtually.

The three teams chosen to the local final based on the written reports were: Lappeenranta University of Technology, University of Turku and University of Vaasa, Team A. We give all the students extra applauds for participating in Research Challenge this year, since the long-lasting unstable situation has definitely made studying a lot more challenging.

Our CFA Society Finland competition hosts, board members Hanna Savinainen, CFA and Antti Raappana CFA, welcomed everyone to the event and thanked again the subject company Wärtsilä and global sponsor Refinitiv for being part of the Challenge this year. Special thanks belong to all faculty advisors, mentors and graders; without volunteer help this competition would not be possible!

First presentation was from Team Vaasa, attending via zoom. Next up was Team LUT and finally team Turku. The quality of the presentations was superb and the judges are taken aback every year by the talent of the students participating.

Miikka Hautamäki, Jutta Rahikainen and Vesa Syrjäläinen.

As judges in the final acted Jutta Rahikainen, Head of Research SEB, Miikka Hautamäki CFA, CEO and Managing partner, AIM Capital and Vesa Syrjäläinen CFA, Responsible Investment Analyst, Varma. Both Jutta and Miikka are experienced judges in the competition. As a specialist in ESG issues Vesa posed interesting and relevant questions regarding the ESG section of the presentations.

Every year the judges have the difficult task of choosing a winner team amongst an enthusiastic and talented crowd of students. And this year was no different. Both the presentation and Q&A section are evaluated and the differences in performance might be small.

After deliberation, Team LUT was awarded as the local winner with team members Giana Ortiz, Erica Haranen, Ilari Iso-Mustajärvi, Ville Andersson and Eppu Härkönen. Their path will lead next to the Northern Europa sub-regional competition in March. This will be held in virtual format.

Team Lappeenranta

From left Ilari Iso-Mustajärvi, Giana Ortiz and Eppu Härkönen.

Regional semifinals will be held 4-8 April with regional final on 28 April and global final on May 17th 2022. These events are planned to be held in virtual format.

We wish all the luck to LUT team for the rest of the competition!

All photography by Pekka Lähteenmäki


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