Passed event: CFA Society New York: Chinese Wealth Management Products, Safe as Cash, 16.9.2021
Members event
date & time
16/09/2021 1:00-2:30 am EEST
Attendance fee: free
Do the benefits of investing in Wealth Management Products (WMPs) outweigh the benefits of simply holding cash? Hear from an expert panel in the CFA community to discuss the current disclosure of WMPs within China and learn more about the complex risks in the seemingly simple area of cash and cash equivalents on the books of Chinese corporates.
While WMPs may be able to offer yields far above the rates offered by banks, the range of potential returns varies widely. Some products may even be presented as guaranteed returns. The dispersion of rates on offer should challenge investors to weigh how riskless these purportedly safe assets are.
Recent troubles at the large financial institution Huarong Asset Management should give investors pause, as the perennial safety of its bonds quickly shattered in April; its once-riskless paper is reached distressed levels of 55 cents on the yuan. Companies with WMPS that own similarly “safe” bonds must now re-examine the risk profile of their normally innocuous cash hoard. Register now to join CFA Society New York’s Financial Reporting and Analysis interest group for this can’t-miss discussion.