Passed event: CFA Society New York: Carbon Quotient: Building Accountability for Net Zero Across the Investment Value Chain, 20.9.2021
Members event
date & time
20/09/2021 7:00-8:30 pm EEST
Attendance fee: USD 10
Join CFA Society New York to explore the development and the features of Carbon QuotientTM methodology with experts from accounting, institutional investors, and financial regulators. As a growing number of governments, global companies, and institutional investors rapidly commit to carbon neutrality or “net zero” by mid-century, Carbon QuotientTM (CQ), a new transition risk tool set, is well-positioned to meet the need for a comprehensive navigational tool to guide the journey towards net zero.
CQ can be used to chart our course, show our past methodology and current positioning, and reroute us when we are off track by accurately measuring and reporting our current and predicted climate transition risks and opportunities. CQ works by measuring the transition risk inherent in physical assets that are the source of carbon emissions. By tracking and forecasting progress toward net zero ambitions, CQ is designed to build meaningful accountability of financial institutions and corporate managers for doing their part to deliver emissions reductions in the real economy.
There is a USD 10 fee to attend the webinar.