Passed event: The Accounting of Cryptoassets: Understanding the Financial Reporting Implications of a New Asset Class, 2.9.2021

Members event

date & time

02/09/2021 1:00-2:30 am EEST


Join CFA Society New York for an evening on the mechanics of cryptocurrency management and valuation. Learn what financial professionals should consider when deciding whether to invest in companies that hold cryptoassets and become acquainted with the ways these assets can appear in reports and disclosures.

As these assets move into the mainstream, investors may encounter more companies holding growing amounts of different cryptoasset types. From Bitcoin to non-fungible tokens, these assets tend to be volatile; while they have recently grown in value, they tend to be reported at cost. Register for this in-depth discussion to learn more about the regulatory standards that apply to cryptoasset reporting, as well as the rationale behind these standards.


Please note: as the live streaming time might be challenging, you are able to watch the webinar as a recording afterwards here.


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