Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: New Year Market outlook, 29.1.2021
Hear thoughts from a wide range of experts in different fields in the finance industry and examine market currents expectations.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: One Pension Manager’s View of the Pressures on the EU, 19.1.2021
Hear how CERN Pension Fund CIO Elena Manola-Bonthond sees the state of affairs in EU.
Passed event: Fidelity International webinar: Outlook 2021, Seizing the new reality, 14.1.2020
Join Fidelity International in two sessions for Outlook into 2021.
Passed event: Macro and Markets panel session, 13.1.2021
Join Finnish strategy experts for a highly interesting panel discussion “Macro and Markets” on outlook 2021 with a local vibe.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: State of the Industry: CEO Panel, 15.12.2020
A panel of CEOs of leading quantitative asset management firms discuss the state of the industry, the current trends and expectations for the future.
Passed event: CFA Society Finland Christmas Dinner 10.12.2020
Under the current circumstances we have been forced to cancel the Christmas dinners in Helsinki. We will follow the situation closely concerning the get-together in Tallinn.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: Global Policymakers Series (GPS), Fourth Quarter Summit 2020, 10.12.2020
Monetary and fiscal policy response was taken to unprecedented levels during the Great Recession. The policy response to the financial stresses brought by COVID-19 are likely to exceed the response during the Great Recession. Find out more in this Fourth Quarter Summit 2020.
Passed event: CME Group/CFA Societies webinar: Mapping the Impact of ESG on Derivatives Markets, 9.12.2020
Join this interactive webinar with CME Group’s Owain Johnson as he analyzes the effect COVID-19 on the ESG landscape and general ESG outlook for 2021.
Passed event: Fidelity International webinar: CIO 2021 Outlook, 8.12.2020
Join our sponsor Fidelity International for this webinar on outlook for 2021.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: Pounding the Virtual Pavement: Essential Advice on Finding Your Next Job, 1.12.2020
A discussion on how to move your job search online and other helpful tips.