Passed event: CFA Society Luxembourg: An Honest Conversation: Personal Journeys of DE&I Pioneers, 29.9.2022
Collaborative WIM original series continues with the true voices from women in the industry. Join and listen to experiences in their careers and what it takes to drive change.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: A day of Fintech, 27.9.2022
Understand recent fintech trends and developments in this CFA Society New Yokr organized half-day webinar. The event offers discussions on potential outcomes and implications for Wall Street and highlights the impact of fintech on CFA charterholders’ career opportunities.
Passed event: Nordic Investment Conference 2022, 6.9.2022
Save the date for this highly interesting day of the third annual Nordic Investment Conference. The in-person event is held in Oslo, Norway, while there is a chance to participate also virtually.
Passed event: CFA Society Finland Annual General meeting, 25.8.2022
CFA members, please save the date for CFA Society Finland AGM with dinner at Katajanokan Kasino.
Passed event: CFA Institute and CFA Societies Africa: "What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine: Harmful Related Party Transactions and How to Mitigate Them, 11.8.2022
Please join this highly interesting webinar on recent research on related party transactions. The discussion will concentrate on the experiences of two emerging markets: Zambia and India.
Passed event: Endgame: Will the ISSB Become the Comprehensive Global Baseline for Sustainability Disclosure? 21.6.2022
Join this webinar offered jointly by CFA Institute and the Value Reporting Foundation. Learn more about the proposed standards, hear experts’ views on the path forward, and understand how a global baseline for sustainability disclosure fits with current and future rules and reporting standards.
Passed event: CFA Society Finland 20th Anniversary event, 9.6.2022
CFA Society Finland is celebrating its 20th Anniversary 9 June at Ritarihuone in Helsinki. Hope to see you there!
Passed event: CFA Society Finland Candidate event, 31.5.2022
Start your summer with seaside networking at our candidate event after the May exam round. Join us for food, drinks and relaxed conversation.
Passed event: CFA Society Sweden webinar: Commodities and Inflation, 19.5.2022
CFA Society Sweden is offering us another great chance to participate in a webinar on a topic everyone is talking about. Join and learn more on what the price of commodities tell us about inflation and the markets.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: 2022 Cybesecurity Forum, 19.5.2022
In this webinar, CFA Society New York presents how to effectively assess current threats to your firm, monitor vendors and assess cyber strategy capabilities and prevent critical data loss during a real cybersecurity attack.