CFA Society Finland held Annual General Meeting on 25th August

At the end of August it is always time for the CFA Society Finland Annual General Meeting followed by networking dinner, and this year we organized the event at Katajanokan Kasino in Helsinki. We were joined by 30 of our members with a few attending virtually. It was great to see our members, and also meet and welcome some new members to the Society.

After some networking and welcome drinks, we were ready to start the meeting of the evening. Miia Hukari, CFA was chosen as the chair for the meeting, and Matti Ilmanen, CFA and Tommi Karvinen, CFA were chosen as the examiners of the minutes and vote counters, thank you for your input!

During the board meeting the board president Antti Raappana, CFA went over the board report, highlights from the operational year 21/22, and board treasurer Hanna Haavanlammi, CFA attending virtually, went over the financial documents. In addition, the strategic outlines and budget for next board year was presented to the AGM audience. Questions from the meeting participants were answered by Antti and Hanna respectively.

The exciting part of the meeting is always to elect the new board members for coming operational year. The Society Nomination committee had prepared a proposal for the new board members and the nominees where elected unanimously. The elected board members for the year 22/23 are Toni Iivonen, CFA, CAIA as President, Joonas Huttunen, CFA and Hanna Haavanlammi, CFA as Vice presidents, with new board members Onni Hautala, CFA, Tuomas Hillukkala, CFA, Juhani Häyrinen, CFA, Markku Leppälä, CFA, and Vahur Vallistu, CFA. Big congratulations and wishing all board members an excellent coming operational year!

We are extremely thankful for the leaving board members, Dan Anttila, CFA, Niina Arkko, CFA, Harri Kojonen, CFA, Antti Raappana, CFA and Hanna Savinainen, CFA, for the efforts made for the CFA community in Finland and Estonia. Special thanks go to the devoted Society president of the past two years Antti, his commitment to the Society work especially during the challenging last two years have been very important and appreciated.

CFA Society Finland is aiming to provide value to all its members and suggestions for events and Society projects are very welcome. Please contact us with any comments or wishes,


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