Healthy habits -workshop offered new ideas and tips for a good life!


CFA Society Finland was happy to welcome Christoph Lemke, a member of the board of CFA Society Luxembourg, to guide us through the many aspects of healthy lifestyle. Chris is Vice President, Learning & Development and Talent Management at SES, leading provider of satellite and ground communication, and has spent a lot of time researching and gaining experience on the subjects he presents on. Today we learned how habits work and how we can change our behavior by training our minds by healthy routines and connecting to others.


The workshop concentrated on the following subjects:

  • Exercise - Just Do It!

  • Nutrition - Watch what you eat & drink!

  • Good Night - Sleep well!

  • Adrenaline - Peace of Mind?

  • Belonging - Connect to other humans

A nice group of members participated in this one-hour Friday workshop. The session went by fast as participants actively took part in conversation and polling. Even though these subjects are familiar to many, it is always beneficial to have discussion and exchange new thoughts and tips. The pandemic has affected our lives in many ways, and most often nowadays exercise and sleep are well taken care of, but on the flip side isolation, anxiety and problems related are on the rise.


It was highlighted that all aspects in life are interconnected, physical well-being becomes mental well-being and vice versa. It is wise to get out as much as you can and stand and walk regularly instead of sitting all day. Do take advantage of the various applications and other digital tools available to us nowadays to make your health aspirations a reality. Take your distant meeting for a walk. Remember to stay in contact with people us much as you can, via actual connections, not just social media friends. Commit to changes with other people so you will have positive re-enforcement from your community.

Thank you to our workshop participants for good ideas and suggestions on how to change your life for the better!


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