Results of the Annual Member Survey 2020


It is very important that the CFA Society Finland board gets regular feedback from members so the Society activities are kept relevant and topical. Member satisfaction is an important reflection on whether the Society is moving to the right direction. The world has changed recently more than ever in Society’s history and the new reality requires a lot more strategic thinking and evaluation from the Society leaders.

It has been exceptionally challenging to offer and provide member value during the past year, since in-person meetings have mostly not been possible. The board has aspired nonetheless to offer varied and topical content to members and candidates. Here we are happy to go over the highlights from the Annual Member Survey from the past year. Participation rate was a bit higher this year than before but we are hoping to get even more answers in future to get a holistic view from our membership.

Local promotion of the value of CFA Charter, networking and educational events are regarded most valuable missions of CFA Society Finland. We are happy that even during this difficult time we have succeeded to provide programming that has gathered big audiences from membership, candidates and other stakeholders. Webinars have enabled speakers from abroad and have provided events that are widely reachable from members who live outside the Helsinki capital region. The one important thing missing are physical networking events. This has naturally affected the experienced value of Society membership. Networking with peers has and most likely will be one of the most desired parts of belonging to your local Society.

The most popular events were Annual General Meeting and Forecast dinner which were luckily able to be arranged as physical gatherings. Hard skills and asset class content are highly wished for. This is something the Society will concentrate on in future as well. Soft skills workshops, although not as demanded, are offered twice a year and they tend to offer a networking feel at the same time since audiences are usually smaller.

There is a strong wish for more regular events to be offered in Tallinn for our Estonian members. We were happy to start this tradition last December via a Christmas dinner in Tallinn. Our Macro & Markets panel session was highly appreciated and we are eager to offer such content in future as well. Topical local content together with high class international speakers continue to be high on the board’s to-do-list. E-mail and LinkedIn supported by website continue to be most popular communication paths.

The survey results indicated also that there is a will for members to partake in volunteer roles, but the information on volunteering possibilities is not always easily accessible. We will aim to inform members better on these possibilities. A good opportunity to volunteer is always Research Challenge, an annual Society highlight, which provides numerous roles for volunteering.

Thank you to everyone who took part, it is really appreciated! The winner of the lottery this year is Topi Piela, big congratulations! Topi will be spending a gift card at Restaurant Baskeri & Basso when restaurants open up again.


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