Research Challenge 2025 kicked off in November

The local Research Challenge organized by CFA Society Finland kicked off virtually on Thursday 7th November 2024. This is the 15th season of Research Challenge at our Society and the board is excited to start off a new season. This year we have the following Universities taking part: Aalto University School of Business with two teams, Hanken School of Business, JAMK University with two teams, Tallinn University of Technology, University of Eastern Finland, University of Turku and University of Vaasa.   

We have the pleasure of announcing the subject company as Kempower Oyj. Big thanks to Jukka Kainulainen, CFO, for presenting the company at the kick-off and answering some very good questions from the kick off audience!

Data provider this year in our local competition is FactSet. This is a great help to participating students, a big thank you to FactSet as well as Henrik Emanuelsson for introducing the platform.

Organizing and hosting the competition this year are CFA Society Finland Research Challenge team members Markku Leppälä, CFA, Tuomas Hillukkala, CFA, Antti Ihalainen, CFA, and Onni Hautala, CFA.

Students now begin their work drafting the research reports on Kempower, with appointed industry mentors giving advice to each team. Huge thank you to our nine participating Industry mentors for donating your time and helping with the Research Challenge!

Good luck luck to all the teams!


Is the Office dead? was the question on 14th November


Private debt event was held 24th October at hotel Lilla Roberts