Research Challenge local winner this year is Aalto University team!

The winning team from left: Oskari Aho, Joni Talja, Santeri Salmela, Reni Kangas and Nadja McKenna.

The winning team from left: Oskari Aho, Joni Talja, Santeri Salmela, Reni Kangas and Nadja McKenna.

We are happy to announce the winner of this year’s local Research Challenge: Aalto University! Congratulations to Oskari Aho, Santeri Salmela, Nadja McKenna, Reni Kangas and Jonathan Talja, for the hard work they put into the Challenge so far.

Society Board member Hanna Savinainen was one of the hosts for the local Challenge.

Society Board member Hanna Savinainen was one of the hosts for the local Challenge.

CFA Society Finland organized the local Research Challenge final at Hotel Haven 18 February. This event was organized as a hybrid and streamed to students presenting their reports virtually to a panel of judges.

Altogether ten teams returned their written reports for evaluation. This year again due to tight differences in grading, four University teams were chosen to the final: Aalto University, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Tallinn University of Technology, team 1 and University of Vaasa, team 2. At the final every team offered a 10 minute-presentation & 10 minutes were left for Q&A with the judges.

University of Vaasa team

University of Vaasa team

Aalto University team

Aalto University team

Tallinn University of Technology team

Tallinn University of Technology team

Lappeenranta University of Technology team

Lappeenranta University of Technology team

CFA Society Finland board chair Antti Raappana happy to announce the winning team.

CFA Society Finland board chair Antti Raappana happy to announce the winning team.

This was the first ever year we have organized the final event virtually so naturally it was a different situation than welcoming and seeing the student teams in-person. We still hope that the final was an enjoyable and exciting event for the students and hope the winning team got good virtual experience to continue the challenge towards the Nordic sub-regional final.

The honorable judge panel consisted of four judges: Jutta Rahikainen, Head of Equity Research (SEB), Rami Vehmas, Senior Portfolio Manager (Ilmarinen), Peter Lindström, CFA, Chief ESG Specialist (Danske Bank) and Miikka Hautamäki, CFA, Chief Executive Officer (AIM Capital). Judges had a difficult task of comparing very strong presentations against each other. Every year we are astounded by the high level and work efforts these student put into their work.

Judges Jutta Rahikainen and Miikka Hautamäki.

Judges Jutta Rahikainen and Miikka Hautamäki.

Rami Vehmas judging virtually.

Rami Vehmas judging virtually.


We wish that all the participating teams got a good experience participating this round of Research Challenge. Hopefully we get as many energetic students next year as well!


CFA Society Finland interviews local Research Channel winner 2021, Aalto University team. CFA Society Finland board member Hanna Savinainen interviews Oskari...


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Research Challenge local finalists chosen