Passed event: Women in Investment Management: The Myth of Fearlessness, 6.5.2021
CFA Society Finland has started an exciting co-operation with Collaborative WIM. Chech out this first event we are inviting our members to join.
Passed event: CME Group webinar: Commodity Super Cycle Review, 29.4.2021
Join CME Group and CFA Society France for this commodity themed webinar and get the latest trends in oil and metal markets.
Passed event: CFA Society Finland Virtual Forecast Dinner 28.4.2021
Join us for a virtual Forecast Dinner this year! Interesting speakers and topical conversations. Added with a complimentary dinner delivered to your home.
Passed event: CFA Society Denmark webinar: Cash Flow Distortions, 27.4.2021
CFA Society Finland members have now an excellent chance to hear thoughts on problems in transparency concerning company cash flow.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: 2021 Cybersecurity Forum, 16.4.2021
Join CFA Society New York for information on how to guard your business from cyber attacks in today’s ultra-connected world.
Fidelity International webinar: Three expert views on Real Estate Investments, 15.4.2021
Fidelity International invites CFA Society Finland members to a Real Estate Investment Colloquium..
CFA Society Boston webinar: ESG Confusion and Stock Returns—Tackling the Problem of Noise and Divergence in ESG Measures, 13.4.2021
Continuing on the subject of our Carbon data webinar, join this ESG themed CFA Society Boston event.
Passd event: CFA Society Boston webinar: Oil, What Story Do You Tell Yourself? 8.4.2021
Join CFA Society Boston on a webinar concentrating on oil industry and its future beside the new energy sources.
Passed event: Soft skills workshop: Healthy Habits, 26.3.2021
Join CFA Society Luxembourg board member Chris Lemke as he gives us tips on how to have a healthy body and mind.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: Robinhood, the Retail Renaissance, and What it Means for Fintech and Capital Markets, 24.3.2021
Join CFA Society New York for this timely event to understand the online brokerage industry and potential threats to incumbent firms and “fintech” in this context.