Passed event: CFA Program: 2021 News for Students, 23.3.2021
Students, join CFA Institute for this information session on important changes in the CFA Program 2021! Two alternative dates available.
Passed event: CFA Institute webinar: Implementing SASB Sustainability Disclosures, 18.3.2021
Attend this CFA institute and CFA Society Spain co-hosted webinar on how SASB Sustainability Standards can help businesses manage sustainability issues.
Passed event: Nordic Investment Conference 16.-17.3.2021
Join this virtual two-day conference hosted by CFA Society Norway in partnership with CFA Society Finland, CFA Society Denmark/The Danish Finance Society and CFA Society Sweden.
Passed event: CFA Institute webinar: Retail Investors Go Viral, Market and Policy Implications Stemming from the GameStop Stock Trading Mania, 11.3.2021
Do not miss this webinar on recent social media driven market volatility. Join CFA Institute and a panel of market experts and Washington insiders.
Passed event: CFA Society New Yor webinar: Case Studies of Gaming Performance, 3.3.2021
Now a great chance to learn possible misrepresentations in performance reporting and how GIPS can help achieve good results in the industry.
Passed event: CFA Institute Research Challenge Local Final, 18.2.2021
It is time again to choose the local winning team from Finnish and Estonian university teams. A record participation this year will bode great results.
Passed event: CFA Society Boston webinar: Pension Lessons Learned from the Pension Crisis, 17.2.2021
CFA Society Boston is inviting Finnish members to join an interesting discussion on the state of the US pension system.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: Racial Equity in Asset Management, Asset Owners' Perspectives, 16.2.2021
Join this CFA Society New York webinar for a topical issue on diversity.
Passed event: CFA Society Finland webinar: Carbon Data - Green Data or Greenwashing? 2.2.2021
Take part in a webinar on carbon data reporting, an increasingly important part of companies’ ESG practices. Mr Vitali Kalesnik as keynote speaker.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: How One Canadian Pension Views Global Alternatives, 1.2.2021
Get A Canadian view on alternative investments in this CFA Society New York webinar.