Passed event: CFA Society New York: Infrastructure as an Asset Class in Today’s Environment, 23.6.2021
CFA Society New York is offering us a chance to develop an understanding of infrastructure investing strategies and learn what distinguishes the asset class from other alternatives.
Passed event: Responsible Asset Owners (RAO) Global Symposium The Americas, 2.6.2021
CFA Institute members, be quick and register free for this amazing event.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: Green Signs: The Impact of New ESG & Climate Reporting Requirements on Investment Product Features, 1.6.2021
Join in this highly topical conversation on ESG standards and reporting related to different investment products.
Passed event: CFA Society New York webinar: Currency Investing: Sources of Risk and Return, 27.5.2021
CFA Society New York dives into the interesting world of currency investing. Find out more on the potential rewards and risks.
Passed event: CFA Society Denmark webinar: Financial Shenanigans, 26.5.2021
Join CFA Society Denmark peers as they investigate how to identify the real economic status of a company or industry through financial statements and reports.
Paased event: CFA Institute: Social Media Strategies to Attract Career Opportunities, 25.5.2021
Join and hear thoughts from the most followed charterholder globally, Eric Sim, CFA, on how to use social media to attract more career opportunities.
Postponed: Suomalainen eläkejärjestelmä ja toteutuneet sijoitustuotot vertailussa - paneeli
This event is postponed to end of October 2021.
Passed event: CFA Institute event: Alpha Summit, 18.5.2021
Get ready for CFA Institute Alpha Summit in May. Register early with a discount!
Passed event: CFA Society New York: Portfolio Construction for Asset Owners Considering Sustainable Data, Risks and Returns, 10.5.2021
Take this opportunity to learn more on ESG-oriented Asset Allocation and ESG-oriented portfolio construction with CFA Society New York.