Passed event: CFA live mock exam event 4.5.2024
CFA candidates, join us for this simulated CFA exam experience at Nordea Campus in Helsinki to practice for the upcoming May CFA exams. Do not miss out on this experience with your peer candidates!
Passed event: US Election Update: Risks and Opportunities 24.4.2024
Join CFA Society Finland webinar as we discuss the coming US elections and its political and economic implications. As speaker investment strategist Bill Callahan, CFA, CAIA, Schroders.
Passed event: Fidelity Digital Assets Outlook, 18.4.2024
Fidelity will discuss the latest developments and trends shaping the outlook for digital assets. Join this topical webinar to hear from Giselle Lai, Associate Investment Director, Digital Assets at Fidelity International, and Chris Kuiper, Director of Research at Fidelity Digital Assets SM, based in Washington DC.
CFA Institute: Conversations with Frank Fabozzi, 11.4.2024
CFA Institute webinar series with Frank Fabozzi continues. This time featuring a conversation on the latest developments and biggest potential pitfalls in the use of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) in investing.
Passed event: Valuation of Cryptoassets: A Guide for Investment Professionals, 10.4.2024
Join CFA Society Sweden in this webinar where the speakers will dive into the world of cryptoassets and more specifically their valuation. CFA Institute Olivier Fines and Urav Soni will give their insights.
Passed event: The Regulatory Impact of AI on Financial Services, 3.4.2024
CFA Institute is organizing a much needed webinar on the challenges of regulatory development in the field of AI. Especially important for compliance officers, policy makers and anyone interested in risk management and etchical considerations of AI and legislation.
Passed event: Crypto Morning: Beyond the Hype 21.3.2024
CFA Society Finland is organizing its first evet crypto themed event with a terrific speaker lineup. Do not miss this mornign gathering with your peer colleagues.
Passed event: Modernisation of the Bond Market: Evolution of FI ETF’s 13.3.2024
Welcome to this Jane Street hosted event on the modernisation of the bond market, including bond market liquidity, electrification, evolution of FI ETFs, portfolio trading and other developments. Wine tasting will follow the presentation.
Passed event: Thrive Enhancing Outcomes through Collective Intelligence, 5-6 March 2024
At CFA Institute Thrive conference, you will explore emerging and tested ideas, actionable insights, the very latest data, and innovative research on how an industry rooted in knowledge and data can harness and direct this momentum to unlock new dimensions of human performance.
Passed event: Collaborative WIM: The Happiness Track 29.2.2024
Join Collaborative WIM for the first event of 2024 with CFA Society Victoria. Author Emma Seppälä, Ph.D, will elaborate on her book “The Happiness Track”.