Passed event: Introducing the Global ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products, 15.11.2021
The CFA Institute ESG Disclosure Standards have been launched beginning of November. Hear an overview on the standards in this live global webinar.
Passed event: CFA Institute webinar on Ethical Decision-Making: Practicing your skills, 10.11.2021
Join CFA Institute with this case based webinar on ethical decision-making in practice.
Passed event: CFA Society Finland: Autumn Networking Event, 28.10.2021
Members and candidates, join our event in late October. On the agenda free and relaxed networking featuring high class art and a private dinner.
Passed event: CFA Institute webinar on Ethical Decision Making: Expanding Awareness, 13.10.2021
Refresh and strengthen your ethical decision-making abilities in this workshop led by Sonia Gandhi, CFA from CFA Institute.
Passed event: EMEA Book Club: Reach, A new strategy to help you step outside your comfort zone, rise to the challenge, and build confidence", 13.10.2021
Here is a chance to attend the second EMEA book club organized in co-operation with CFA Society Istanbul.
Passed event: Regulatory Expectations and Impact of the EU Sustainable Finance Strategy - panel discussion, 11.10.2021
Please join CFA Society Finland and CFA Institute for a highly interesting session on the new EU sustainable regulation and its impact on markets and finance regulation.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: Financing and Counterparty Management: The Changing Landscape for Hedge Funds, 6.10.2021
What is next for hedge funds? Join this webinar to understand the use of financing and leverage in hedge fund strategies, examine the role of prime brokers and other hedge fund service providers and discuss the potential implications of recent high-profile stories for the hedge fund industry.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: 21st Century Investing: Foundations of Systems-Level Investing, 5.10.2021
Identify the importance of systems-level thinking and discuss how systems-level investing and the integration of ESG factors can improve investment analysis and risk assessment with this CFA Society New York multi-part seminar.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: 6th Annual Global Macro Outlook, 30.9.2021
CFA Society New York is discussing present and future macro trends in the context of key political and economic forces globally. Join this virtual session to understand how macro strategy implementation is changing and identify investment opportunities across asset classes.
Passed event: Webinar: The Slovenian Presidency of the EU: ESG in Financial Services, 22.9.2021
Join CFA Society Slovenia with CFA Institute as they bring high-level guests for discussion on the Slovenian EU Presidency and the topical ESG matters.