Passed event: The Collaborative WIM in Partnership with Schroders Presents: First Annual Inclusion and Diversity Global Summit 10.11.2022
Register now for the inaugural Inclusion and Diversity Global Summit held this November 10th by Collaborative WIM. Lots of interesting speakers and themes included in the event, see more.
Passed event: Activist Investing in the Nordics 2022
Join CFA Society Finland as we discuss a very interesting topic, activist investing. Our guest speakers Niko Pakalén and Kai Tavakka, CFA, will share their expertise.
Passed event: CFA Society Finland Mock Exam, 29.10.2022
Join us at a live mock exam event with your fellow peers and practice for the November exam round.
Passed event: October Networking Event, 26.10.2022
Join us for this fall networking evening as we get to know the Helsinki Distilling Company distillery and enjoy some tastings afterwards.
Passed event: 26th Annual GIPS Standards Conference, 25.-26.10.2022
Join CFA Institute in Boston to hear from industry experts and experienced practitioners about the latest trends in investment performance, and to reconnect with industry colleagues. This year’s conference will feature sessions on model portfolio providers, the SEC Marketing Rule, and ESG data challenges.
Pssed event: Collaborative WIM: Undiversified: The Big Gender Short in Investment Management, 18.10.2022
Join Collaborative WIM and CFA Society Italy in this Q3 Live Q&A with Authors event discussing gender diversification issues in portfolio management with the book “Undiversified: The Big Gender Short in Investment Management”.
Passed event: CFA Institute Financial Regulatory Symposium 2022, 13.10.2022
Register now for the third annual Financial Regulatory Symposium. This event is dedicated to discussing major policy and regulatory developments that affect the global finance and investment industry.
Passed event: Webinar: Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2022, 11.10.2022
Join the webinar to find out this year's leading pension system and take a deep dive into the findings and what they tell us about future retirement pensions. Hear an exclusive address from OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann, a presentation and commentary from lead author Dr David Knox and a panel discussion.
Passed event: CFA Institute webinar for university professors: The Future of Work in Investment Management sessions, 11.10.2022
This webinar is specifically aimed toward university professors. Hear intriguing research on “The Future of Work in Investment Management: Skills and Learning”. This report identifies gaps between the supply and demand for skills, outlines strategies for career development, and proposes structural changes to investment teams to better leverage diverse talent.
Passed event: Breakfast Event on Macroeconomic Challenges and Scenarios, 5.10.2022
Save the date for a topical discussion on the current macroeconomic issues. As speakers Salman Ahmed, Fidelity and Valtteri Ahti, Evli. More speakers to be confirmed soon.