CFA Society Finland celebrated its 20th Anniversary at Ritarihuone
CFA Society Finland held its 20th Anniversary 9th June. We spent a great evening with our members and international guest speakers going over Society history, and contemplating the future.
CFA Society Finland organized a candidate event end of May
CFA Society Finland got to organize a candidate event finally after a long time not being able to meet in-person. The evening was spent networking, and enjoying some refreshments.
Stephen Campisi offered workshop attendees comprehensive insights into portfolio management
We were fortunate to welcome Stephen Campisi to our Society on his Nordic tour to elaborate on portfolio management in a holistic sense. There is a recording available if you missed the session.
CFA Institute new podcast: Guiding assets
CFA Institute premier podcast has relaunched with a new title and host, “Guiding assets” with Mike Wallberg, CFA. Guiding Assets will continue to help build a better world for investors with discussions on key themes in the investment industry.
New CFA Institute member exclusive benefit: Career Tools!
CFA Institute members have now the opportunity to prepare for job interviews with a new set of resources. Find out more.
Investor trust study 2022 has been published
A new edition of CFA Institute’s Enhancing Investors’ Trust report is now downloadable. Learn how investors’ trust has evolved in the past years and what are the factors increasing trust.
Greetings from Women in Valuation Master Class Boot Camp
Read how the Scholarships for Women in Valuation Boot Camp were awarded.
CFA Society Ukraine seeks emloyers' help in finding jobs for refugees
We want to extend a hand to CFA Society Ukraine who are helping to find work for Ukrainian professionals who have had to leave their home and jobs. Find out more on the initiative!
CFA Society Finland’s topical real estate event was held 6 April
Real estate provided the theme for our recent breakfast discussion. The event provided lots of interesting insight into the theme as the audience listened to a professional panel.
New podcasts episodes in the series "Let's talk EU"
Listen to two new podcasts that have been published in the series where Josina Kamerling is interviewing professionals in topical regulation matters.
Forecast Dinner 2022 gathered Society members together for a superb evening
Forecast Dinner was held at Restaurant Sunn in central Helsinki. Have a look at the great photos from the event.
Member Survey results 2021 are here!
Member survey for 2021 has been completed. See what the results were and who is the lucky winner of the gift card lottery.
Podcast: EU Supervision: Fortress Europe or a Single Market open to the Global Financial Markets?
Josina Kamerling talks us through the concept of supervisory convergence and recent developments around the theme as she poses the question: is the EU trying to become a fortress or open its doors for dialogue?
Exclusive member benefit: Free access to MSCI Dataset!
As a CFA Institute member you will have access to MSCI data indices through CFA Institute Research Foundation. Find out how you can benefit with this new member privilege.
Team LUT winner in the local Research Challenge competition 2022!
The local final was held in-person at Glo Hotel Kluuvi in Helsinki. Read more on what happened at the final, with great photos form the event.
ESG Disclosure Standards webinar gathered lots of professionals to hear the latest on ESG reporting
Continuing with the ESG theme, we had the pleasure of welcoming guest speakers discussing ESG reporting. Chris Fidler gave a presentation to the ESG Standards, followed by a discussion with Annika Esono-Manninen and Antti Malava.
Women in Valuation Scholarship available again!
Heads up! Women in valuation scholarship available again by A. Stotz Investment Research. The Boot Camp is held in March/April 2022.
CFA Society Finlandin uusi podcast -jakso julkaistu!
Kuuntele uusin podcast-tallenteemme, joka keskittyy finanssikriisin jälkeiseen talouskasvuun sekä talouskavun merkitykseen yhteiskunnassa. Keskustelemassa Meri Obstbaum, Niku Määttänen, Reijo Heiskanen ja Harri Kojonen, CFA.
CFA Candidates, check out important videos from CFA Institute
Find out more on the CFA exam evaluation process as well as get hints for studying to benefit your schedule, including tips on how to catch-up on studying after deferrals.
Podcast: Happy New PEPP! Starting 2022 with border-free retirement savings
CFA Institute’s Josina Kamerling interviews professor Hans Van Meerten in this new podcast episode.