Passed event: WIM Collaborative: "Bravey: Chasing Dreams, Befriending Pain and Other Big Ideas”, 2.2.2023
Join this inspirational session from Collaborative WIM as their guest author Alexi Pappas brings in her experience in motivation, and how to get through hardships as a winner. Virtual networking included.
Passed event: CFA Society Switzerland: How to build deeper client relationships using behavioural science - A Practical Toolkit, 2.2.2023
CFA Society Switzerland offers a great chance to learn about behavioral science in client relationships. Join this live course and listen to expert Crawford Hollingworth.
Passed event: CFA Institute webinar: Candidate conversations, 18.1.2023
CFA Institute organizes a webinar where you can connect with CFA candidates around the world and hear their experiences of the CFA program and why the chose this designation.
Passed event: CFA Society New York: New Year Market Outlook, 13.1.2023
Join CFA Society New York for this the New Year Outlook seminar: understand the thoughts of leading market participants and help develop insight into market developments in the coming year.
Passed event: Fidelity International: Asia Outlook 2023
CFA Society Finland is happy to extend an invitation to a highly interesting breakfast event offered to us by Fidelity International Nordics.
Passed event: Christmas dinner and Charter awards, 7.12.2022
Members and new charterholders, save the date for our annual Christmas dinner and charter awards occasion! Our speaker for the evening will be Niklas Kaskeala, Compansate. Christmas dinner in Tallinn will be organized the next day, 8th December.
Passed event: CFA Society Sweden webinar: Investing in China Today, 6.12.2022
Join CFA Society Sweden for this webinar on the current state of China and what to take note of in investing in this huge market.
Passed event: CFA Society Norway webinar: Implications of "public to private" coal transactions, 5.12.2022
CFA Society Norway is offering our membership a chance to participate in their webinar organized with Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute.
Passed event: Ethical Decision-Making workshop, 29.11.2022
CFA Society Finland is happy to invite Affiliate University students to attend a virtual Ethical Decision-Making Workshop on 24th November. The interactive workshop examine real-life dilemmas that investment industry professionals may face in their careers, and that may not have a clear right or wrong response.
Passed event: SFDR,: Mifid, PAIs and EU Taxonomy - piecing together the fund regulation in Europe, 15.11.2022
CFA Society Finland in co-operation with Fidelity International offer an interesting breakfast event on current sustainability regulation and the changes for eg. asset managers.